My fellow Blogger mentor
Well, I know I have been procrastinating recently... Maybe I am too busy finding money to pay for my bike insurance and road tax...It can be quite an amount.. Third party insurance is $172, Road Tax is $140 and vehicle inspection is about $18 or $19 plus...
I know of a friend,a mentor by the name of Julianto Cahyadi from Stuart IM forum... He is one of the newbies in Blogging too... Hmm... A couple of weeks ahead of me...But his website is better than mine definitely...He is also a very helpful friend who answers to your question..Recently, he ask me to review his website but I am just too busy procrastinating..Haha... Now I have the time..Might as well...
Well, his website is about His Quest In Learning How To Make Money On The Internet...It is quite informative for newbies like me.. If someone feels that the choice format for blogspot is too few, maybe he should visit Julianto's website to know more... There are also tips and links to blogging there... Well, if you don't believe me, why not just visit his website at http://julianto-cahyadi.blogspot.com/
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3:55 am
Labels: blog
More members in Algoco
Hmm... I didn't know a few more people joining my Agloco...I am so happy... I should work harder to do more... This would sure make money if more and more people joined this Agloco.. Fellows, we make money together... Synergy..that what people say...
Click here to join Agloco!!
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10:35 pm
Labels: Agloco
with Michael Cheney from AdSense-Videos.com
Q. So what made
you get started with AdSense?
A. I
was looking for a way to monetize some of my websites. AdSense
is such an easy thing to get started with the eye for it would
be a great way to start earning more money without actually putting
into much more effort. I think as soon as you see the first earnings
coming into your account you get addicted to AdSense. I know is
what happened to me and since then I've just spent time working
out how to earn more and more each day.
Q. How much do
you make with AdSense?
A. Some days I can earn
close to $1000 and others it's less than that. But it all comes
down to how much time and effort you devote to creating a quality
site that people like visiting. AdSense is not what my business
is based on by any means - but it is a great way to earn revenue
almost on autopilot.
Q. What is the
biggest mistake people making with AdSense?
A. Probably
the biggest mistake people make is thinking the AdSense earnings
are easy to achieve. It is very easy to get started but as I learned
it takes a lot of effort to increase your earnings. I got really
downhearted whenever I would log in to my account to see that
I had only made a few dollars. And that's when I decided to spend
months and months of my time learning everything I could about
I basically buried myself
away and devoured every single piece of AdSense information I
could find. I ran thousands of AdSense tests and started to see
a dramatic effect on my click through ratio and therefore on my
This is why I'd decided
to record the videos - because I knew that it would help people
who were in my position to also increase their earnings. I've
read an absolute ton of AdSense e-book's but they take so long
to go through and always seem to keep information back.
With AdSense Videos I
knew that I had to tell the story exactly as it is and actually
show people and lead them by the hand through the exact techniques
that I use to generate large earnings from AdSense.
Q. In your videos
you show people how to increase their AdSense earnings - can you
give us a taster of this advice?
A. I
don't want to give away my biggest secrets as you can understand!
But some of the more basic things that you can do to increase
your revenues include using ads that blend in rather than stand
out from your content. Flat out the worst thing you can do with
an AdSense ad is make it look like the standard Google ad. What
you need to realise is that you will get more clicks if your ad
actually appears part of your site rather than something that's
just been dropped into the page.
Q. What would
you recommend that someone do right now to increase their AdSense
A. I've
created a totally free AdSense minicourse that people can go through
to learn some of my techniques. It takes you through the four
cornerstone principles that I've used to build up my AdSense empire.
You can check it out, as well as all the AdSense Videos, here:
Make money from your Website or Blog with BidVertiser
Posted by
7:10 pm
Labels: Money-making site
Dog or pig??
I have been surfing around and saw a photo of this... It is from Kim's(xiao pang)blog. I wonder if this is a pig or a dog...Who want to guess? But there is no prize to guess correctly..Hahaha..
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Posted by
4:57 pm
Labels: Picture
Joke of the day
Hmm...someone send me a joke yesterday...It is quite funny..Hahaha
> 男人最怕的三个 答案 (Three answers most scared by men)
> (1)随 便 (Whatever)
> 男:今天 晚上咱们吃什么? Men: What to have for dinner?
> 女:随便。 Women: Whatever..
> 男:吃火锅吧。Men: Why not we have steamboat?
> 女:不行,吃火锅脸上要长痘痘。Women: Don't want la, eat steamboat
> later got pimples in my face
> 男:要不咱们吃川菜。Men: Alright, why not we have Si Chuan
> cuisine
> 女:昨天刚吃的川菜,今天又吃....... Women: Yesterday ate Si Chuan,
> today eat again?
> 男:那咱们吃海鲜去? Men: Hmm..... I suggest we have seafood
> 女:海鲜不好,吃了拉肚子。Women: Seafood no good la, later I
> got diarrhea
> 男:那你说吃什么? Men: Then what you suggest?
> 女:随便。Women : Whatever..
> (2)都行 (Anything)
> 男:那咱们现在到底做什么? Men: So what should we do now?
> 女:都行。Women: Anything
> 男:看电影怎么样?很久没看电影了。Men: How about watching movie?
> Long time we didn't watch movie
> 女:电影有啥好看的,耽误时间。Women: Watching movie no good la,
> waste time only
> 男:那打保龄球,运动运动? Men: How about we play bowling, do some
> exercises?
> 女:大热天的运什么动啊,不嫌累啊? Women: Exercise in such hot day?
> You not feel tired meh?
> 男:那找个咖啡店坐坐,喝点水。Men: Then find a café and have drink
> 女:喝咖啡影响睡眠。Women: Drink coffee will affect my sleep
> 男:那你说干什么? Men: Then what you suggest?
> 女:都行! Women: Anything
> (3)看你 (You decide)
> 男:那咱们干脆回家好了。 Men: Then we just go home lo
> 女:看你。Women: You decide
> 男:坐公车吧,我送你。 Men: Let take bus, I will accompany you
> 女:公车又脏又挤,算了吧。Women: Bus is dirty and crowded. Don't want
> la
> 男:那就打车走。Men: Ok we will take Taxi
> 女:这么近的路不划算。 Women: Not worth it la... for such a short
> distance
> 男:那走路好了,散散步? Men: Alright, then we walk lo. Take a slow
> walk
> 女:空着肚子散哪门子步啊? Women: What to walk with empty stomach woh?
> 男:那你想怎么着啊? Men: Then what you suggest?
> 女:看你。Women: You decide
> 男:那就先吃饭? Men: Let's have dinner first
> 女:随便。Women: Whatever...
> 男:吃什么? Men: Eat what?
> 女:都行 Women: Anyting
> (看看四下无人,杀了她......) (Look around... no one here, gonna kill
> her....)
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Posted by
7:08 pm
Labels: entertainment, humour, joke
Just received some photos taken in Zouk and Boiler room
Hmm..Just received photos from Melissa...
This first was taken when we go Zouk last wednesday...It was my birthday..Definitely must have some babes, right?
I know..I know..I am very the "xin fu", but sad to say none of them is my "ma zi"..Just girlfriends...
Anyway,I already "xin ru zhi shui"... Going to "chu jia" be monk liao..
Don't think I need another "chun tian" liao...Very tiring...
Anyway, it was fun that day... With all the babes, liquor and dancing..Shiok...
The second and third photos were taken in Boiler Room..Hmm..Melissa!!! I waited too long for the photos... Anyway, I just want to share my photos with all of you out there...Maybe, I should put some names for you to guess who is who? Got Melissa, Ann Ann, Serene, Irene and Amos.. :P
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Posted by
4:54 am
Labels: blog
Ruk ter mai mee one yood(Thai song)
Well, this must be one of the best thai song!!!
Ruk ter mai mee one yood!!(Meaning: Never a day I will stop loving you)
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4:15 am
Labels: songs
Hi friends,
I just found out there is Bidvertiser, a CPC ad network that competes with Google AdSense. It main advantage is its low $10 payout. You only need to make $10 in order to be paid. It can be paid through Paypal. Maybe some of you like me, a new blogger, are still waiting to hit the $100 Google payout level. Maybe this is an alternative for you. Cheers..
Sign up for BidVertiser
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Posted by
11:21 pm
Labels: Money-making site
Buy me a beer thing...
I am try out the beer thing..It took me an hour to work it out...
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Posted by
7:25 pm
Labels: blog
Ruk Tae Doo Lae Mai Dai(Thai song)
I wondered if anyone of you like Thai song?
Ruk Tae Doo Lae Mai Dai(Meaning:I love you but I can't take care of you)
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Posted by
2:27 pm
Labels: songs
Speak English
Don't underestimate the "Bak Gu"(China gals)
And also why is he keep touching his breast? Hahaha
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3:19 am
Labels: video
Trying out new template for my blog
Oh my god.. I couldn't put my advertisement back due to the new template... Oh shit.. Got to redo everything... Headache...Anyway, I really like this template... Pink..Hahaha...
Posted by
11:26 pm
Labels: blog
Ice cold beer or Ice cold bar pub..
Well yesterday, I was so bored that I went out with Shannon and his friends. We went to this pub called Ice cold beer or Ice cold bar near Orchard..Hmmm.. they have 50 different kinds of beer selling there...It is a place where people can go there relax and chat.. A lot of "amg moh" go there.. Unfortunately, we don't have a happy night there... Shannon's friend Casper quarrelled with a "ang moh" because the ang moh didn't want to shift his chair for us to pass by.. He said that his seat cost $7k.. I was so surprised that Casper took out notes of $50 and $100 and flash at the "ang moh". I thought he said that "this is more than $7k but you're not worth the money". As there were girls around, we didn't want to make a big fuss about it and we went a big round to get back to our seats... Moments later, the ang moh went to the toilet.. This time round, Casper went to block the ang moh when he was about to go back to his seat.. I thought they were going to fight... so I alerted the rest.. So we were watching the two of them exchanging words.. Eventually, I went and pushed the ang moh.."Back off you stupid ang moh" How I know a person from behind shouted to ask us go outside.. Eventually, the person took over and challenged the ang moh..He said he from SLK... What that I wondered? Anyway, the ang moh was so scared that he told his friends about it but his friends couldn't bothered with him..
We waited outside to see if there was any show... But nothing happened so we decided to go home.. We teased the ang moh all the way.. "Chicken.. park park care..."
I still thinking how come we are so childish... but I just wanna ke siao only...For the sake of entertainment maybe... but I won't wanna do such thing again...
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Posted by
10:29 pm
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Posted by
5:33 pm
Labels: Agloco
Buy me a beer
Well... after two days of drinking and celebrating..I wonder if I am to put this beer thing.. Will anyone buy me a beer to celebrate my birthday? I wonder... Anyway, I had just learned to put this on my blog... Let's see who will buy me a beer? :)
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Posted by
10:20 am
Labels: blog
My birthday today!!
Oh my god, the price of everything has increased..Long island cost $70 instead of $60.. anyway, I bought 1 for 1.. After downing 8 jugs of long island with my friends, I am so high that I almost cannot walk straight.. So long never go ZOuk, the babes are so gorgerous.. Hmm... tok of ONS but I still cannot forget my ex.. Eventually after ZOuk, we went to simpang have our supper b4 I headed home to sleep..
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Posted by
10:34 am
Labels: blog
My birthday!!!
Around 2hour and 22minutes is going to be my birthday... Can anyone offer me a free hug??? But I have really no mood to celebrate.. Cos become older liao...Great depression.. My ex-number 1 say.. u so old liao..must celebrate meh...? I dun believe what she say.. Though we are separated for 2 weeks, also cannot like dat mah... Actually, I tok of celebrating with her den tomorrow celebrate with my family members... Now...everything come to nothing because she cannot really bothered with me liao.. Anyway, Bucky and the rest jio me go Zouk or Dragonfly later.. Hope to find some babes to hang out around with...Hope Bucky don't bring the three "No lobang" gals again... Wasted our liquor only... And no place for other babes to sit around... : )
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Posted by
9:27 pm
Labels: blog
A good husband
I’m sure every girl would love a husband as understanding as this one.
Posted by
10:50 am
Labels: video
Super rich man's mansion!!!
This is a 140 Million Dollar Mansion!! The maintenance fee is about 2 million dollar per year. I think my whole life maintenance fee is about 2 million dollar, can liao...Hahaa...
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Posted by
9:47 am
Adding Google adsense to a Blogger Blog
You can join google adsense too. Click the blue box on the left hand corner below.
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1:14 pm
Hmm... 3 referrals already..not a bad start..
Why pay when you can join for free?
Spend nothing to earn revenue every month..
If you don't believe, check it out...
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Posted by
1:01 pm
Labels: Agloco